Victory of the Pacific war, times square, 1945 "can also called" the kiss, "YiSenSi tarter's Fred, 1945

August 14, 1945, the news of Japan's surrender in the United States announced that marks the end of the second world war. A celebration of the carnival street, but perhaps no one can be more than those of military uniform, the nurses more feel relieved. Because although many of them from Europe recently in triumph, they are faced with the fate of the voyage to again - this time is to bloody Pacific.
In times square on the ecstatic crowds gathered, a YiSenSi tarter's Fred, called the German immigrants in the 20th century, he is one of the most talented photographer.Christian Louboutin In the photo shoot celebration, he found a sailor "running along the street, seize every saw the girl." He later explained, "whether she is a lady, fat, thin, old, all the same."
Of course, a sailor wet hand hold an old photo is not as life magazine cover, but when he kissed a beautiful female nurses, this picture just across the newspapers circulated quickly. Needless to say, "the Pacific war victory" is not expected long-lost lovers Christian Louboutin Pumps embrace, but it is not like many critics say is deliberately arrange. However, this picture is still in the long struggle ended when americans passionate permanent symbol.